Author Charges

Article Processing Charges

  • Article processing charges (APCs) - 99 USD 
  • No submission fees
  • No editorial processing charges
  • No page charges
  • No colour charges
  • Authors can order extra hard copies of the issue with a price of 50 USD for 1 hard copy. 


Global Academic Frontiers recognizes the financial limitations faced by some scholars and offers fee waivers in the following categories:

  • Distinguished Research: Articles deemed exceptionally impactful by the editorial team may be considered for a partial or full fee waiver. This decision will be based on the paper's originality, methodological rigor, and potential contribution to the field.

To apply for a waiver, please submit a request to our journal administrator at Waiver applications should include the manuscript title and specify the reason for the waiver request.

Who is Responsible for Paying the Article Processing Charges?

Upon editorial acceptance of an article, the corresponding author will be notified about the payment issue. The charge is typically covered by the author, funder, institution, or employer.

When and How do Authors Pay?

The corresponding or submitting author needs to arrange payment of the article processing charge unless a waiver has been granted. Following peer review, once a manuscript has received editorial acceptance in principle, the article processing charge becomes payable and formatting checks on the manuscript will commence. 

From time to time, an author may wish to withdraw a manuscript after submitting it.
Changing one’s mind is the author’s prerogative. And an author is free to withdraw an article at no charge – as long as it is withdrawn within 3 days of its initial submission. More correction and retraction policies - view online 

Payment Method

  • PayPal
  • Alipay
  • WeChat Pay